Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Contact Point : What you should know.
Contact Point was set up so healthcare professionals, the police and social workers can communicate more efficiently regarding the safeguarding of children. This list should be compiled of children who are already on the databases of these organisations and be added to when new cases of concern arise. The database should not be compiled using the names of children who have not had any contact with these organisations with the pretext that if something does arise they already have the information on the child. This is a database that will be accessed via the internet by using a username and password by hundreds of thousands of individuals who work within the relevant agencies. They have no right in having access to information on children who have never and possibly will never need the involvement of those agencies. There are serious data protection concerns and future identity theft implications connected to this database and given the governments history of database leaks, such as the child benefit fiasco where the names and addresses of families who were claiming child benefit were left on a train, this an accident waiting to happen and the consequences of personal information about all our children falling into god knows who’s hands does not bear thinking about. Indeed the only people who’s children are not being added to this database are those who’s parents are in the public eye such as politicians and celebrities. The reason for this, in the governments own words is because of security concerns. Why should celebrities and politicians and people in the public eye be exempt from having their children on this database. If it is potentially not safe for them it is potentially not safe for everyone. On the news in England where I live there is a heartbreaking story about a young child ‘Baby P’ who had more than sixty visits from the Police, Healthcare professionals and social workers and because of the failings of these organisation in communicating with each other ‘Baby P’ died at the hands of his abusers. The news agencies are now talking about the ‘system’ (as it was )being too complicated for effective communication between the involved agencies to take place. There has been (to date) nothing in the media about the fact that Contact Point is already up and running in the NorthWest of England and over the coming months it is going nationwide. We are being conditioned via the media that we need this database and for cases such as that of ‘Baby P’ we do!. In the very week that Contact Point went ‘live’ we are being bombarded with a story which is highlighting a problem in order to gain the reaction from the public before they announce the solution. Problem, Reaction, Solution!
How The 'Problem-Reaction-Solution' Paradigm Works 1. The government creates or exploits a problem then attributes blame to others 2. The populace react by asking the government for protection and help 3. The government offers the solution that was planned long before the crisis Outcome: Rights and liberties are exchanged for the illusion of protection and help
For the sake of your children do something about this.
Andy Phillips 22/5/2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Child database 'contact point' goes live today
When you bear those facts in mind, and then connect them with this BNP membership database leak and the real harm it is going to cause to each and every one of the people on that list, you begin to get a sense of the scale of the disaster that ContactPoint is. The same is true of course of the National Identity Register (NIR) which powers the proposed ID Card. ALL databases are subject to this risk; the size of the list is irrelevant and leaks are not something that can ever be prevented, and in any case, ContactPoint and the NIR are designed to be accessed (which means copied) easily.Here
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
There’s no hiding place as spy HQ plans to see all
That is the hope of Sir David Pepper who, as the director of GCHQ, the government’s secret eavesdropping agency in Cheltenham, is plotting the biggest surveillance system ever created in Britain.
From his office in the agency’s famous “doughnut” building, Pepper is masterminding an innocent-sounding project called the Interception Modernisation Programme.
The scope of the project - classified top secret - is said by officials to be so vast that it will dwarf the estimated £5 billion ministers have set aside for the identity cards programme. It is intended to fight terrorism and crime. Civil liberties groups, however, say it poses an unprecedented intrusion into ordinary citizens’ lives. Read HERE
Monday, September 15, 2008
It's the creepy plotters who rule us we should really be scared of

Omagh victims demand probe after learning bombers' calls were tapped on way to attack

The Government’s listening centre, GCHQ, intercepted Real IRA mobile phone messages as they planted the 500lb car bomb that killed 29 people and unborn twins.
It even recorded the same coded phrase heard a fortnight earlier when the gang detonated an identical bomb in a nearby town.But, according to tonight’s BBC Panorama programme, details of the phone tap were never passed on to police.
If GCHQ had been monitoring the calls live then the worst attack in the history of Northern Ireland’s Troubles might have
been averted, the documentary claims. Read HERE
Royal Mail Honors Eugenicist & Nazi Sympathizer

Stopes, a racist and an anti-Semite, campaigned for selective breeding to achieve racial purity, a passion she shared with Adolf Hitler in adoring letters and poems that she sent the leader of the Third Reich.
The feminist also attended the Nazi congress on population science in Berlin in 1935, while calling for the “compulsory sterilisation of the diseased, drunkards, or simply those of bad character.” Stopes acted on her appalling theories by concentrating her abortion clinics in poor areas so as to reduce the birth rate of the lower classes. Read HERE
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Council threatens families with a £1,000 fine… for parking on their own driveways

Homeowners in a quiet village have been told they have the wrong type of kerbs, despite having driven over them for the 50 years since the properties were built.
Councillors are using a law passed 30 years ago to stop them from parking beside their own homes.Source Daily Mail
Park attendants ordered to interrogate adults spotted without children

The visitors who are quizzed have to explain their presence and risk being thrown out or reported to police if their answers are not satisfactory.
The policy has been introduced at Telford Town Park in Shropshire. The council which manages the 420-acre area says it is a 'commonsense approach' aimed at safeguarding children.
But park users accused it of 'authoritarian madness' and said the ruling risked panicking parents about the dangers faced from potential paedophiles.
UK activist faces 12 year sentence after RNC protests

ANY of Dave's masses of friends both in America, and here in the UK would happily tell you the truth about Dave: He's one of the gentlest, most caring, peaceful, level-headed, intelligent people you could ever imagine, working tirelessly for environmental charities and groups like Amnesty International. He would NEVER do any of the things he's accused of, denies all the accusations vehemently, and can't believe the charges levelled at him which are based on the flimsiest evidence imaginable. Dave was due to return home to the UK on October 3rd, and so had very little money when he was arrested, everything he had went towards his extortionate $25,000 bail, and so his family & friends back here are desperately trying to raise much-needed money for him to just survive over there, and also to fund a decent lawyer - which he'll inevitably need to take on organisations as deceitful and corrupt as the FBI and US Government. For more information about Dave's case, or to offer help (financial or otherwise) & advice please get in touch as soon as possible, by emailling Anything you can do to help us and Dave beat these bullshit charges would make a difference, and would be so gratefully appreciated.
Help Dave e-mail:
Friday, July 11, 2008
Pensioner arrested for chasing away youths with piece of wood

But when police failed to turn up over the next two hours he decided to take action himself.
He grabbed a section of wood from a broken-up sofa lying in his front garden and chased the youths down the street - just as police officers finally arrived.
Mr Davis, a retired builder, was astonished when police arrested him while allowing the gang to run to safety.
The householder now faces a court appearance and a potential prison term of six months if convicted.
Mr Davis, whose windows have been smashed five times in the last eight months, branded the law "a colossal ass".
He went on: "This is Britain gone mad. Just what in the world is this country coming to when the police arrest people like me for protecting their own property?
"The police say they want to reduce crime, yet they let evil little toe-rags like this off. Then they prosecute hard-working, upstanding residents like me.
"There is simply no way we can shake off this problem of 'Yob Britain' if the legal system fails to protect the everyday person".
Mr Davis' difficulties began on July 2 when a gang started throwing stones, stick, mud and eggs at a number of homes.
His wife, Pauline, 42, and their sons, Peter, seven, and James, five, cowered behind the sofa as the windows were hit by a flurry of missiles.
"My wife called the police at 6pm, but they just kept on throwing stones through my back gate.
"I left the back door open to stop them smashing it. Suddenly a really big rock came crashing into the kitchen. I just grabbed the wood, which was the nearest thing I could find, and chased them off.
"The police turned up just as I was chasing them. As a result I was arrested, but they didn't arrest any of them."
Mr Davis was handcuffed, taken to a local police station and later charged.
Wiltshire Police confirmed both the charge against him and the fact that no one else had been arrested in connection with the incident.
The householder is expected to appear before local magistrates later in the month. SOURCE
Spy chief Alex Allan found dead with 'blood everywhere'
: The Google cars that will photograph EVERY front door in Britain

The internet giant's StreetView website will allow anyone in the world to type in a UK address or postcode and instantly see a 360-degree picture of the street.
It will include close-ups of buildings, cars and people. Critics say the site is a 'burglar's charter' that makes it easy for criminals to check out potential victims. READ HERE
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Five homes raided under Terror Act

The properties were all in Stoke-on-Trent, including three in Cobridge, one in the High Lane area of Burslem and one in Tunstall, Staffordshire Police said.
A spokesman said the raids were part of an "ongoing investigation into the activities of a small group of people suspected of being involved in promoting violent extremist views and radicalising vulnerable community members".
He added: "They are being conducted under the Terrorism Act and have been prompted by concerns about the activities of a small number of people in the local community." Read HERE
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Friday, May 09, 2008
Man spends 18 hours in police cell and has his DNA taken for 'dropping an apple core'

But 54-year-old Keith Hirst ended up spending the night in a police cell after being accused of throwing away an apple core.
Despite strenuously denying the allegation, the ex-plumber, who suffers from a heart condition, was taken into custody by up to five uniformed officers and had his DNA and fingerprints taken. Read HERE
Friday, April 18, 2008
Globalists Continue War On Vitamins & Minerals

Monday, April 14, 2008
Terror threat to UK 'is growing' say the BBC(SO IT MUST BE TRUE!?)

In a News of the World interview, Jacqui Smith said 30 terror plots were being investigated and police needed to be able to detain suspects for longer. Ms Smith said: "We now face a threat level that is severe. It's not getting any less, it's actually growing.
We can't wait for an attack to succeed and then rush in new powers. We've got to stay ahead
"There are 2,000 individuals they are monitoring. There are 200 networks. There are 30 active plots.Read HERE
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Met Police officers to be 'microchipped' by top brass in Big Brother style tracking scheme

According to respected industry magazine Police Review, the plan - which affects all 31,000 serving officers in the Met, including Sir Ian Blair - is set to replace the unreliable Airwave radio system currently used to help monitor officer's movements.
The new electronic tracking device - called the Automated Personal Location System (APLS) - means that officers will never be out of range of supervising officers. Read HERE
Friday, April 04, 2008
God this is getting boring now........Men 'planned airliner explosions'

Homemade devices were to be smuggled on to passenger aircraft and detonated mid-flight, Woolwich Crown Court heard. Last nights news report even gave details on how they planned to make the bombs naming the ingredients they planned to use...yeah,thanks for that!.Read HERE
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Al-Qaeda's white army of terror
Monday, March 31, 2008
It's the end of Britain as we know it

But for England (Britain, actually) the Treaty of Lisbon isn't that appetising. That's because, if ratified, it will become the decisive act in this creation of a federal European superstate with its capital in Brussels. Britain would become a province and its "Mother of Parliaments" a regional assembly. And that's no small humiliation for a country that gave the world English and saved Western civilisation in the Battle of Britain in 1940.Read HERE
Saturday, March 15, 2008
UK Cop Who Investigated CIA Found dead!

Michael Todd had also used his mobile phone to text members of his family in the hours before he died, sources said.
It was believed he may have been texting up to the moment he jumped or fell off the cliff.
Monday, February 18, 2008
£10 government permit plan to deter smokers!
The idea is the brainchild of the board's chairman, Julian Le Grand, who is a professor at the London School of Economics and was Tony Blair's senior health adviser. In a paper being studied by Lord Darzi, the health minister appointed to oversee NHS reform, he says many smokers would be helped to break the habit if they had to make a decision whether to "opt in".
The permit might cost as little as £10, but acquiring it could be made difficult if the forms were sufficiently complex, Le Grand said last night.Read HERE
Fingerprint scan at nursery door

The biometric security system at Mes Enfants nursery in Mumbles, Swansea, allows only authorised parents and staff to access the building. Read HERE
Monday, February 11, 2008
£42m pledge for fluoride in water

The cash works out at an extra £14m a year over three years to support authorities wanting to add fluoride to tap water.
Mr Johnson is urging strategic health authorities to consult with local people but believes fluoridation is an "effective and relatively easy way" to help poorer children by preventing dental problems in later life.Read HERE Also this article in my Health section HERE
Monday, February 04, 2008
Fury as fuel poverty soars close to a 10-year record

Sunday, February 03, 2008
How social services are paid bonuses to snatch babies for adoption

In total, 75 children of all ages are being removed from their parents every week before being handed over to new families.
Some of these may have been willingly given up for adoption, but critics of the Government's policy are convinced that the vast majority are taken by force. Read HERE
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The People has seen sensational leaked Home Office documents revealing the secret plan.
It says newdrivers and those applying for fresh passports will be "coerced" into getting the controversial identity cards.
PM Gordon Brown has always said the scheme will be voluntary unless Parliament decides otherwise.
But last night shadow Home Secretary David Davis stormed: "This is an outrageous plan.Read HERE
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Prisoners 'to be chipped like dogs'

Amid concerns about the security of existing tagging systems and prison overcrowding, the Ministry of Justice is investigating the use of satellite and radio-wave technology to monitor criminals.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Cost of ID card and passport rises to £100

Friday, November 02, 2007
"War Criminal" Ex-MI6 Head Dearlove Confronted At Event
Monday, October 15, 2007
New suspicion over Kelly death - MP

Liberal Democrat Norman Baker revealed no fingerprints were found on the penknife Dr Kelly apparently used to kill himself.READ HERE
Riot police storm pub after a smoker lights up in protest to the ban

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Ministers reject 7 July inquiry

The group want an independent review of the way security agencies and others acted in the run-up to the attacks.
They have applied for a judicial review of the government's refusal to launch a full review into the 2005 attacks which killed 56 people and injured about 800.
A Home Office spokesman said: "The home secretary has reiterated her sympathy for the families and survivors of the July 7 attacks.
"The government remains of the opinion that a public inquiry is not necessary.
"We are making no further comment as legal proceedings are ongoing."
'No comfort'
The letter is in response to correspondence received from solicitors acting for the 7 July group, Oury Clark Solicitors.
The group applied at the end of August for a judicial review of the government's continued refusal to launch a full review.
Solicitor James Oury said: "Our clients remain disappointed by this response.
"The government... have refused our clients' request for an independent public inquiry and suggested that our clients should withdraw these proceedings.
"They have also not met our clients' request to engage with them.
"They have given no comfort as to costs and no indication as to when the inquests will take place."
The group says an inquiry is necessary to allow public scrutiny of events and to enable the families of those killed, survivors and other agencies to be involved.
Members of the group argue the government's refusal to hold an inquiry breaches the Human Rights Act because it is failing in its duty to protect life.
The government is against holding such an inquiry saying it would be a drain on resources and tie up key officials and police officers.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
A 'chilling' proposal for a universal DNA database

The Global Warming Tax Scam Kicks In

Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Website That Predicted London Bombs an Intelligence Agency Front
MI5 'knew of plot in advance'

The suggestion was fuelled by the fact that nightclubs were warned a few weeks ago by police that they were potential targets for car bombers.
CLICK HERE for story
Monday, June 11, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
New draconian anti terror laws condemned

Tuesday, April 03, 2007
BBC denies ‘dumbing down’ claims

As a result, executives are said to have ordered more populist programmes like Fat Men Can’t Hunt and Doctor Who.
Police send four police officers to tackle boy, 11, who called schoolmate 'gay'
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Three arrested over July 7 bombings

In the first significant arrests since the 2005 suicide attacks, two men, aged 23 and 30, were detained shortly before 1pm at Manchester airport, where they were due to catch a flight to Pakistan.READ HERE
Why 10m Britons will be from a minority by 2027

Oxford professor David Coleman says migration is leading to "quite radical ethnic changes".
These include the ethnic minority population of Britain almost doubling within the next 20 years to 10million. Professor Coleman, an internationally-respected expert in demography, made his remarks to a Tory policy review group.
The session also heard a warning from the British Chambers of Commerce that young British workers are being "displaced" in the job market by migrants, including eastern Europeans.
I have posted this film on my BIG BROTHER section also with a link to a more indepth report
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Is your baby playing with its toes yet? If not the government wants to know why

Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Four-year-olds will get gay fairytales at school

They are introducing youngsters to homosexuality using a series of story books in preparation for controversial regulations coming into FORCE next month.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Cashless society by 2012, says Visa chief
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Great Global Warming Swindle: Channel 4 UK

Friday, March 09, 2007
New police terror posters!

This is pathetic.Talk about fearmongering.Come on everyone and do your bit!.Help fight the war on terror and grass up that asian looking bloke on the know the one who sells all those mobile phones and drives that van..what?..i'm not being paranoid am i?
Listen to the radio advert HERE .
UK biometric passports succumb to hack
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Child fingerprinting sign of government's surveillance state - Clegg

“The Government’s determination to build a surveillance state behind the backs of the British people is becoming increasingly sinister. See my Big Brother Archive HERE
MI5 trains supermarket checkout staff !

Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Labour will force everyone to give fingerprints at ID card interview centres

Kelly death not suicide, says MP

Norman Baker tells BBC Two's The Conspiracy Files he has reached the conclusion Dr Kelly's life was "deliberately taken by others".
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Media Fearmongering Links Letter Bomber to Big Brother Critics, Tax Protestors

Groups opposed to tracking and surveillance demonized as Blair's cash for honors scandal disappears off front pages, fearmongering spreads to make people nervous about looking in their private home letter box, secret Downing Street memo called for police postal scans
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Video 'shows friendly fire death'

A catalogue of errors were responsible for the "friendly fire" death of a British soldier in Iraq, it has been reported.
The Sun claims to have obtained a cockpit videotape recording showing the moment that a US jet launched two devastating attacks on a British armoured convoy, killing Lance Corporal of Horse Matty Hull.
In the recording, the pilot of the second American plane involved in the attacks says after their mistake is realised: "We're in jail dude", the paper reports. The other pilot then weeps, saying: "God dammit", it adds.
The Ministry of Defence initially told L/Cpl Hull's family the recording did not exist but it found its way into the hands of Oxford coroner Andrew Walker, who is hearing the inquest into the soldier's death.
The MoD refused to comment on the alleged contents of the videotape.
Last week Mr Walker adjourned the inquest in frustration at what he said was the MoD's failure to get the permission of the American authorities, who are said to own the tape, for him to show the recording.
The Sun claims six errors led to the attack near Basra in southern Iraq on March 28 2003. Four other British soldiers were injured.
These included that on several occasions the pilots either questioned or appeared to question the orange panels on top of the armoured vehicles which were being used to identify them as coalition, rather than Iraqi, forces.
However, the conclusion is reached that the orange panels are rocket launchers.
L/Cpl Hull, 25, from Windsor, Berkshire, died in the incident and four other members of the Household Cavalry Regiment were injured.VIDEO BELOW
UK Government Plays Fear Card To Trump Blair Scandals

By an amazing coincidence, a criminal inquiry into a cash for peerages scandal in Britain that last week threatened to cost Tony Blair his premiership, was immediately followed by a number of scary scenarios involving terrorism and bird flu, stealing the headlines and sparing Blair's blushes.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
7/7 Bus Bomb Survivor Describes "Agents" At Scene In Immediate Aftermath

Daniel Obachike, the man who was on the lower deck of the number thirty bus that exploded in Tavistock Square in London on 7/7/05, has exclusively provided Infowars with a preview of a new section of his soon to be published narrative, The 4th Bomb.
"Standing by the doors I see a blue BMW 5 series and black Mercedes squeal to a halt in front of the bus, halting its progress along Euston Road. 4 minutes passed then a police motorcyclist arrived at the blockage. The BMW driver said something to the cyclist who soon sped off. 90 seconds later the BMW suddenly drives off. The Mercedes waits till the bus diverts east into Upper Woburn Place towards Tavistock Square before it speeds away."
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
9/11 Truther could be next Prime Minister.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Tories back US action on Iran

read here
We are to be convinced that Iran, with no air force or navy to speak of, an economy not 2 percent of ours, which has not started a single war since the revolution, 27 years ago, is about to give to terrorists, to use on us, a nuclear bomb it may be 10 years away from even being able to build. (drew)