
July 7th Truth Campaign - RELEASE THE EVIDENCE!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ministers reject 7 July inquiry

The government has officially confirmed it will not hold a public inquiry into the 7 July London bombings. Survivors and relatives of those killed have received a letter from government lawyers outlining their position.
The group want an independent review of the way security agencies and others acted in the run-up to the attacks.
They have applied for a judicial review of the government's refusal to launch a full review into the 2005 attacks which killed 56 people and injured about 800.
A Home Office spokesman said: "The home secretary has reiterated her sympathy for the families and survivors of the July 7 attacks.
"The government remains of the opinion that a public inquiry is not necessary.
"We are making no further comment as legal proceedings are ongoing."
'No comfort'
The letter is in response to correspondence received from solicitors acting for the 7 July group, Oury Clark Solicitors.
The group applied at the end of August for a judicial review of the government's continued refusal to launch a full review.
Solicitor James Oury said: "Our clients remain disappointed by this response.
"The government... have refused our clients' request for an independent public inquiry and suggested that our clients should withdraw these proceedings.
"They have also not met our clients' request to engage with them.
"They have given no comfort as to costs and no indication as to when the inquests will take place."
The group says an inquiry is necessary to allow public scrutiny of events and to enable the families of those killed, survivors and other agencies to be involved.
Members of the group argue the government's refusal to hold an inquiry breaches the Human Rights Act because it is failing in its duty to protect life.
The government is against holding such an inquiry saying it would be a drain on resources and tie up key officials and police officers.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

PRESS RELEASE: Speaking Event in London: "Fool me once..." The Secret Agenda of Gordon Browns New World Order - Tuesday September 11th 2007

A 'chilling' proposal for a universal DNA database

A civil liberties storm erupted yesterday after a senior judge called for the genetic details of every person in Britain, and all visitors to the country, to be added to the national DNA database. Critics warned that the "chilling" move would infringe privacy, be hugely impractical and have only a marginal impact on crime.

The Global Warming Tax Scam Kicks In

Fresh studies, polls conclude climate change being used as revenue raising tactic

The British government is raising almost double the revenue in so called "green taxes" that it needs to offset the social cost of CO2 emissions according to a new report. An accompanying opinion poll also reveals that nearly two-thirds of people think politicians are using the green issue as an excuse to tax more.